Many people believe that you don’t truly know a person until you’ve lived with them. However, a better indication of how well you truly know someone is whether or not you’ve traveled with them.
At first, you may be perplexed by the idea that you could possibly get to know someone better through traveling with them than by living with them, however, once you look at the reasons why you’ll definitely find yourself convinced. Here are reasons why you should make it a priority to travel together before you marry your fiance.
You’ll Be Able to See Their Punctuality
If you’ve traveled before then you know how it can be a series of schedules and having to make it places on time. When you have to make it through security and to the gate in order to board a plane at a certain hour, you have to be focused on time management.
Seeing how well your partner respects the clock will reveal a lot about their personality. Perhaps they’re one of those people who obsessively arrive 3 hours before check-in time and still bites their nails through the security line. Or perhaps they’re someone who nearly made you miss the flight because they insisted on getting a caramel frappuccino and a magazine at the last minute. Or maybe you’ll be lucky enough to find that they are one of those people who arrive right on time with very little fuss.
You Can See How They Handle New Cultures
When you go to a new country you are opening your mind to a new set of values and cultures which you don’t have at home. Seeing a person’s reaction to this new environment will be revealing about how flexible they are about stepping into new situations.
Some people are so set in their ways that they find it excruciating not to have the comforts of home. When this happens you’ll be able to see whether their personality type matches your own. If you’re the same, you might find that it’s not so bad returns. However, if you’re someone who loves experiencing new places and things then your travel styles may be too different for each other.
You Can See How Easygoing They Are
When you travel there can be a variety of things which can change your plan. It’s important to be open-minded and flexible in case things come up which cause you to have to take a new course of action.
It’s revealing to see how your partner will react to things changing. If they’re someone who doesn’t like surprises or changes and prefers a rigid schedule, you’ll be able to decide whether this works for you or not.