Travel Blogging How-to Guide for the World Wanderer
Traveling blogs are a definitely an option among photographers and students of the world who would like to chronicle their adventures for their followers online. Travel blogging has become such a common type of blogging that you would be hard pressed not to find images and stories retold by travelers passing through nearly any country in the world. Through outlets like the WordPress website and similar platforms, anyone who has an interest in showing their own stories as they trek across the globe can set up their own network of blogs for people to engage with them as they go. That being said, not everyone who wishes to open up a blog for the first time know how to get all their content up in a timely manner while they’re busy traversing the Sahara or backpacking in places where WiFi hotspots are a bit of a foreign concept.
Create Content Ahead of Time
While it’s not the most up-to-date method for keeping your fans involved with your journey, creating content ahead of time before setting out can ease up the amount of work to be done. This is the perfect option for those who have just got done doing a bit of travelling and have adequate content to post up and write about. Doing some travelling and then setting aside a day or two to update your travels thus far can provide your readers enough information to feed them until you have enough time for the next update. Expressing to your readership that this is the method you’ve chosen to go with can help. Most people are pretty understanding and if your content is fulfilling enough, then it’s likely your loyal readers will be willing to stick around for updates that may not be so consistent as posting every single day.
Portable Hotspots and Social Media
Social media is the perfect way to add updates to your followers who might also be following your WordPress blog. It’s a quick way to let them know scheduling for posts and what exactly is going on with you at the drop of a hat. You’re also more likely to reach more people and faster using this method of communication. Having a portable hotspot can be an invaluable commodity when you rely on these types of instantaneous updates for your following.
Outsourcing as an Option
You may have heard of outsourcing for things like virtual assisting or for fast design possibilities for a low price. The same concept can apply to managing updates to your WordPress website. If you aren’t personally familiar with website management, then choosing to outsource said website management to someone who does have in depth knowledge is completely understandable. Having someone put out travel blogging content for you is nothing to be ashamed of. Although, it is important that it be you who speaks to your readership or viewership (should you upload videos) and not the person you have outsourced to. As a travel blogger, you don’t want to lose the personal touch that makes your blog stand out from all the rest.