3 Tips For Packing For A Long Road Trip


While taking a road trip can be an exciting adventure, packing for a road trip can be a real hassle. Depending on the type of vehicle you’re planning to take on your trip, you may have very limited space to be working with. If you’re going to be road tripping with a motorcycle, you will only have a few small places you can safely pack your belongings without having to worry about being unsafe and increasing your chances of getting into an accident. Even if you have a larger vehicle you’ll be taking, it can be difficult to fit everyone’s belongings, especially if you’re going to be on the road for a while. So to help make this a little bit easier, here are three tips for packing for a long road trip.

Pack Your Emergency Kit First

Regardless of how much stuff you have to pack into your car, it’s important that the first things you put in your vehicle are the supplies for your emergency kit. If you wait to put emergency supplies into your car after you’ve packed everything else, it’s going to be much easier for you to justify leaving some of your supplies at home so you can bring more of your belongings with you. But by packing the essentials first, you ensure that they’re going to be there if and when you need them. According to Jackie Sills-Dellegrazie, a contributor to The Globetrotting Teacher, some things you should have in your emergency kit include garbage bags, toilet paper, flashlights, and extra cash.

Know How To Conserve Space

When packing for a road trip, one of your top priorities should be conserving space. Luckily, there are quite a few ways that this can be accomplished. According to Jen Seligmann, a contributor to The Trusted Traveller, some of the best things you can do to help conserve space when packing up for your road trip is to roll your clothing rather than fold it and use vacuum sealable bags so you can make your belongings as compact as possible.

Keep The Interior As Clean As Possible

Once you have all your bags and belongings ready to load into your car, Red Ashton, a contributor to USA Today, recommends that you do everything you can to keep the interior of your car as clutter-free as you possibly can. If you were to get in a car accident, anything that’s not strapped down in your car will become a projectile that could injure you and your passengers. So if you have a truck or a cargo area of your car, try to keep as much stuff in these areas as you can.

If you have a long road trip coming up, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you through the packing process.

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